What is Electoral Vote in United States? How many are required to win?

Map showing the US States with the electoral votes.
In the United States, the Electoral College is the body that formally elects the president and vice president. Each state is allocated a certain number of “electoral votes” based on its representation in Congress (the total of its Senate and House seats). There are 538 total electoral votes, and a candidate needs a majority of at least 270 electoral votes to win the presidency.

When voters cast their ballots for president, they are actually voting for a slate of electors pledged to their candidate. These electors then cast the formal votes for president and vice president in December. The candidate with the majority of electoral votes (270 or more) becomes the next president.
Who won the US Elections 2024?
Based on the results received so far, Donald Trump has emerged victorious. Below is a list of U.S. states with their respective electoral votes, and the candidate won in each state. It is pertinent to mention that there are some states where there is mix of electoral vote, but we have mentioned the overall winner in that state.
S # | State | Total Electoral Votes | Won |
1 | Alabama | 9 | Donald Trump |
2 | Alaska | 3 | Donald Trump |
3 | Arizona | 11 | Donald Trump |
4 | Arkansas | 6 | Donald Trump |
5 | California | 54 | Kamla Harris |
6 | Colorado | 10 | Kamla Harris |
7 | Connecticut | 7 | Kamla Harris |
8 | Delaware | 3 | Kamla Harris |
9 | Florida | 30 | Donald Trump |
10 | Georgia | 16 | Donald Trump |
11 | Hawaii | 4 | Kamla Harris |
12 | Idaho | 4 | Donald Trump |
13 | Illinois | 19 | Kamla Harris |
14 | Indiana | 11 | Donald Trump |
15 | Iowa | 6 | Donald Trump |
16 | Kansas | 6 | Donald Trump |
17 | Kentucky | 8 | Donald Trump |
18 | Louisiana | 8 | Donald Trump |
19 | Maine | 2 | Kamla Harris |
20 | Maryland | 10 | Kamla Harris |
21 | Massachusetts | 11 | Kamla Harris |
22 | Michigan | 15 | Donald Trump |
23 | Minnesota | 10 | Kamla Harris |
24 | Mississippi | 6 | Donald Trump |
25 | Missouri | 10 | Donald Trump |
26 | Montana | 4 | Donald Trump |
27 | Nebraska | 2 | Donald Trump |
28 | Nevada | 6 | Donald Trump |
29 | New Hampshire | 4 | Kamla Harris |
30 | New Jersey | 14 | Kamla Harris |
31 | New Mexico | 5 | Kamla Harris |
32 | New York | 28 | Kamla Harris |
33 | North Carolina | 16 | Donald Trump |
34 | North Dakota | 3 | Donald Trump |
35 | Ohio | 17 | Donald Trump |
36 | Oklahoma | 7 | Donald Trump |
37 | Oregon | 8 | Kamla Harris |
38 | Pennsylvania | 19 | Donald Trump |
39 | Rhode Island | 4 | Kamla Harris |
40 | South Carolina | 9 | Donald Trump |
41 | South Dakota | 3 | Donald Trump |
42 | Tennessee | 11 | Donald Trump |
43 | Texas | 40 | Donald Trump |
44 | Utah | 6 | Donald Trump |
45 | Vermont | 3 | Kamla Harris |
46 | Virginia | 13 | Kamla Harris |
47 | Washington | 12 | Kamla Harris |
48 | West Virginia | 4 | Donald Trump |
49 | Wisconsin | 10 | Donald Trump |
50 | Wyoming | 3 | Donald Trump |